The Resume Post

  • 3 Small Resume Changes that Will Attract the Attention of Recruiters and Hiring Managers

    A good resume can separate you from the crowd and land you a job interview. Choosing a clean and professional design and the best resume structure for your experience and career path are key to stand out and attract recruiters and hiring managers.

    But once you got their attention, you need to be certain you have included information effectively to impress and show them you are the right fit for the position, otherwise, all the time you spent formatting and researching will be in vain. 

    In order to achieve that, there are some small but very effective tweaks that can help get the attention of recruiters and hiring managers.

  • How to Create a Customized LinkedIn URL

    LinkedIn is the most relevant social media platform for professionals. LinkedIn currently has over 750 million members and 57 million companies listed worldwide. In addition, LinkedIn Jobs boasts 15 million open jobs listed.

    LinkedIn is a great networking resource for professionals. Most candidates maintain a LinkedIn profile nowadays and, if that is your case, you should include your LinkedIn URL on your resume. However, there some steps you should go through before you include your LinkedIn URL. Otherwise, it might not be helpful or even hurt your candidacy.

    this article will provide tips on how to find and customize your LinkedIn URL and the steps to make the most of your LinkedIn Profile and land you a job interview!